RE: Danger in Small/Rural Libraries Being Proactive?
Archived: Wed, 27 Sep 15:34
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 15:09:02 -0400 (EDT)
From: Rebekah Tanner <>
Subject: RE: Danger in Small/Rural Libraries Being Proactive?
Velma! Bravo!
What a great response!
The question for me as a librarian is not rural / urban or contriversial / not controversial -- the question for me as a librarian is always: How do I best deliver to my patrons the information and services they need with the limited resources available?
And in my two decades as a public librarian I have seen all sorts of things be "controversial" -- every thing from "Jesus freaks" to gay rights. But the more libraries and librarians make information available, the more available it becomes! As such, much controversy becomes de-sensitized -- sometimes even "normalized."
Or put another way -- what libraries and librarians do is make available a presentation of all sides of an issue: Depending on which side of the Atlantic Ocean you view the man from, George Washington is either an anarchist or a founding father!