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Funding for Libraries and Librarians

A good question to ask is what are the funding programs that EPA 
provides libraries for obtaining hardware/software, journal and 
book collections, and other environmental resources? 

What training grants or training programs does the EPA provide 

Don't be surprised if the answer is NONE.

EPA Libraries themselves have struggled since 1994/95 (remember 
Uncle Newt and his Contract for America--it butchered the EPA 
Libraries and they still have yet to recoup the losses)
budgets that have strained their own resources. There have been
past initiatives for EPA to provide limited funding for right-to-
know programs. There are some grant program areas where libraries
MIGHT fit into the picture (environmental justice, EMPACT).

EPA Libraries and librarians have been ever-faithful in working
with library associations to attend meetings as exhibitors,
speakers, panel members, hosts of open houses. But there is to my 
knowledge no dedicated program for the funding of libraries or
training of librarians.

Libraries for the Future could not secure funding from ANY 
federal or state agency to produce a third edition of their
Environmentalists Guide to the Public Library, a 32-page primer
on using the public library as a tool for individual and
community benefit.

Where do libraries go for funding environmental programs?

Fred Stoss
University at Buffalo

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