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RE: Training OnEline

Training is a BIG BUSINESS.

When writing the chapters, "Internet and Other Digital 
Resources," "Resources for Hazard Communication Compliance,"
and "Audiovisuals and Non-print Medi Resources" in the book,
_Information Resources in Toxicology_ (Academic, 2000). We noted 
dozens of computer software packages (CD-ROM was a big player) 
and scores of video and CD-ROMs addressing various levels of
training in the areas of environmental and occupational health 
and safety, and hazardous waste management.

There are many companies that produce training programs that 
are provided in CD-ROM and video formats, classes and workshops 
that are conducted in designated areas or that "travel" around 
the country for presentation, or are presented at annual
conferences of trade and professional associations.

These products and courses can be rather expensive items running 
well into the thousands of dollars to purchase.

We did not see many of these training programs being provided on 
the Internet. I would imagine that until security issues and
other technical features to prevent duplicating the contents of
Internet sites is more fully assured, the producers of training
programs and projects are going to guard their investments.

I would look to various real-time, interactive, distance learning 
modules as the next major format for complinace training. Then 
the same programs will be provided for on-demand use, with 
persons or groups purchasing a password for training online.

In less than five years, this could be commonplace.

Fred Stoss
University at Buffalo

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