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What libraries can do for community organizations

I was glad to read what Howard had to say about the resource libraries can be for environmental groups. This is especially true for small community groups.

I have to admit, for me, a trip to the library is seldom part of my research. For that to be practical, I'd have to set up an office there. The exception is when the state Agency or EPA has placed files in a library for public review, but even then I usually find a way to get hardcopies sent to me.

For many community groups, however, the library is essential. That's where they can review files and do research, and it's often where they hold meetings.

What else can libraries do? Howard talked about the willingness of libraries to keep reports and to post flyers. I've also know libraries to establish small information repositories for community groups, so you can go and ask for the stuff on file from the organization. This can be a big help for groups that have only one or two copies of something that should be available to the whole community. It is also is a great way to build a small library-within-the-library on a specific issue.

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