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Re: Charlie Hoyt and the Labor Party


Let's DO get to the points, as you stated.

It's funny you used the word "lazy" in your reply to my post. I never used that word - but you did. Coincidence?

Yes, Charlie, I'm a worker, you're a worker, J.P.'s a
worker, Javier's a worker; most people are. And, about 1 in 6 work for the government. Many of these have the right to participate in retirement programs outside of SS. Why shouldn't I also have that choice? That's all we're asking for - a chance to manage our own money; the money we make from working - just like you do.

You state, "The people with real power trying to privatize social security are not." - that is, you said they are not "real" workers. What is your definition of a "real" worker? It appears you believe that if someone works, makes over $100,000 a year or more, you don't think he's a real worker.

I can guarantee you that I am not rich - at least, not money-wise - although I believe I am rich in many ways (another story for another time). However, I too am doing all I can to help our politicians see the light on privatization of SS. I don't consider myself a "power-broker", but, on the other hand, because we are a democratic society, we all have the power to help facilitate change. So, I guess that makes you and me both "power-brokers", huh, Charlie?

You go on to say, "They are riding on our coattails, the coattails of our work. They are the rich, and like it or not,
they have nothing in common with us."

Nothing in common? As someone stated in a previous post, 80% of all millionaires DID NOT inherit their wealth - they earned it, the old fashion way - by working and saving. What's wrong with that. You too, have that opportunity - unless you continue to believe that the "rich" should somehow be forced to take care of the poor.

And speaking of "rich" people, I would think that Ted Turner would fall into that category. Think back a little bit. Who gave the UN $1 billion dollars recently? I believe that would be Ted.

"Rich" folks don't care about the poor or the world? Charlie, there are many generous "rich" folks out there and I contend there'd be many more if our government would let us keep what we earn. Americans are generally good and decent folks - and the "rich" do their share to make things better - day in and day out.

And as far as knowing something about your Labor Party, I know plenty. And the other many parties out there. The Internet makes learning about thes groups easier than ever. So save your postage money.

In addition, I don't think I have seen one post here from a privatization supporter that ".......wants to risk my grandparents retirement on the stock market, where it will melt
away to nothing." That's not what we advocate and it is not necessary.

Once again, Charlie, I admire your convictions, your pro-Labor Party stand, etc. But it is out of touch with a majority of Americans that want less government intervention in their private and business lives. I can tell you one thing that is clear to me and other small business owners across America (small business makes up the bulk of businesses in America)- get the government out of business and the owners will be able to care of the workers.

One day, if you ever decide to own and operate your own business, then, and only then, will you truly understand.

Have a great weekend.

Richard Arnold

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