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RE: Charlie Hoyt and the Labor Party

> Give it up Charlie or go find you a country to live in that
> believes the way you do. Most of us like the color of green and we
> definitely like old, dead president's pictures on paper.

I don't think so Richard.  I doubt that you know much about the
Labor Party and I suppose I shouldn't have mentioned my membership
in it, but it's too late now.  If you do want some info I could
send over our program.  The 2,000,000 members of affiliated unions
would be interested in you calling them lazy.

The part about workers in foreign countries was there because
someone was talking about how onderfu Chile is and making it sound
like everybody is just throwing their retirement systems on the
stock market.  I was merely pointing out that Chile is almost
completely isolated in this trend, a trend started by dictator,
Augusto Pinochet, a man who is in jail right now for some of his
other official acts.

Let's get to the point,  I'm a worker, you're a worker, J.P.'s a
worker, Javier's a worker.  The people with real power trying to
privatize social security are not.  They are riding on our coattails,
the coattails of our work.  They are the rich, and like it or not,
they have nothing in common with us.

As for Javier, you weren't actually doing the elderly-bashing,
however, others were, saying that they felt that they felt like
the old were holding them hostage and proudly waving that stupid
generation X name (which I hate) like some kind of regimental flag
to rally the troops.  However, the fact is that you want to risk
my grandparents retirement on the stock market, where it will melt
away to nothing.  If I hurt your feelings, I am sorry.  I will try
to keep more calm in the future, but I feel strongly about the
destruction of Social Security and I won't stand idly by while it
takes place.

	     Charlie Hoyt

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