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"Prove" a 75 year "solution" to SS?

Mr. Nadler: The 75 year planning/solutions have been highly touted by the SS trustees, but they have never jelled. And we have not yet even had the first 75 years.The SS taxes required have been ten times the rate of inflation. Now skyrocketing, and will continue skyrocketing at a geometric rate. Inexoribly.

In 1983, the Alan Greenspan Commission w/ Bob Dole. "saved SS until way into the 21st Century."

Did they really? No.
Did they guarantee it? Of course not.
Has A. Greenspan told us in recent months that the system is unsustainable? Yes.

You say that you prove thay your plan will save SS for 75 years.
To whom did you prove it and how?

What is your guarantee? How will you repay the taxpayers if your plan fails as has all others?

How would you compare Alan Greenspans credibility to yours?

We TP's want our investment to compound to our benefit.
We TP's do not want our debt to grow.

Robert Reischauer told us early on that our debt in the SS Trust Fund will grow, in one generation, from about $800 billion to be over $4 trillion. You math majors figure the % of rate of geometric growth of our debt and then tell me how a slight adjustment will save the system. We can increase debt geometrically. It would be logical to some. But you quickly reach a point where there is not enough wealth in the world to satisfy it.

Is there any plan now proposed which would stop our TP debt now at about $800 billion? Just like putting our SS$ into a bank savings account. Forget stocks and bonds.

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