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Future of Social Security Act Reform

1. Reform may take the form of "withering-on-the-vine". Right wingers from both major parties intend to destroy step-at-a-time Social Security Act benefits.
2. The attempts for Constitutional Amendment to Balance the Budget is for the purpose of using Social Security Trust Funds/supporting payroll taxes and other Trust Funds to do the job.
3. The CBO as reported in the New York Times stated it would cost $465 TRILLION to invest these Funds in the private sector. Also, the massive amounts and distort the markets to the extent of concentrating that wealth into the hands of a few.
4. The game plan for the Social Security Act Benefits is in Reducing the Deficit: Spending and Revenue Options: A Report to the Senate and House Budget Committees of August 1996 as required by Public Law 93-344, US Government Printing Office. This will support charges 1 and 2 above.
5. The Economic and Budget Outlook: Fiscal Years 2000-2009 of January 1999 on pages 46 and 50 tell the story of how the working class is getting screwed on Federal Taxes. Corporate America is ranked 70th in the World on its share of Federal Revenues.
6. Most states in the union tie teacher retirement to Social Security. They extrapolate out many years as to SS benefits and then set their state share of retirement rates. In my and my wife's case, the taxes on SS Pensions were not figured into the extrapolation.
7. The COLA change to 1.6% and Federal Employee to 1.7% is a lie to the working class. These rates should be at least 4.6%. Twenty percent of the retirees' budget goes for medical expenses one way or another, and that inflation rate is at least 10%. Yes, I know 5% is reported, but our government lies to us regularly. University/business sources are more truthful, but not for moral reasons.
8. Computer Internet data is skewed two thirds Republican to one third Democrat. The more well to do have computers than working masses or MAJORITY.
9. This Internet discussion will be used by the right wing to help destroy our standard of living.
Frank L. Green   8750-C  SW 90th Lane, Ocala, Fl. 34481 or

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