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"Nothing to Invest"

Some previous comments state that the lower wage earners have
nothing to invest; ergo, they need SS to be there to take care of

Under the Cato Institute alternative plan, these workers WOULD have
something to invest. They would have 5% (plus a matching 5% from
their employer for a total of 10%) of the now 6.2% they hand over
to the government for SS. The other 1.2%, matched by the employer,
would continue to go to SS to fund existing plan receipients.

When thinking about alternative plans, please keep in mind that
workers that opt to go with private investments will not pay as
much into the federal program as though that wish to stay with it.
This is fair to everyone.

In the Cato plan, it gives Americans the option to decide who they
trust and wish to manage their money - the Feds or private industry.
It's pretty obviously where I would put my money. However, it
someone wishes to stay with the government, I sure won't stand in
their way. Good luck.

The point here is that we should have a choice. The Cato plan gives
all of us that choice and any reforms should include a choice.

If a choice is not given after all the discussions are done, then
all of this will be for naught. I have hope, but not much. It will
take a drastic change in the thinking of government lifers and
politicians to make those kind of real options available to the
people they have tried to control for so long.

I will stay optimistic and continue to let my voice be heard.

It's my money, it should be my choice.

Richard Arnold

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