RE: SS Reform should evaluate impact on other programs
- Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 20:04:38 -0400 (EDT)
- From: "Marv. Rohrs" <>
- Subject: RE: SS Reform should evaluate impact on other programs
I'm sorry to see polls and politics being brought into the
discussion. The solution to the problem has to come from a
bipartisan solution effort, and I don't think we should inject
political polls or differences into the discussion. However,
since the subject has been raised, as an engineer no one will
ever convince me that a sampling rate of 0.0004%, or 1 out of
240,000 will give accurate results. IF the poll did give correct
results (which I doubt), perhaps the reason that a 17% higher
number said that they trusted the Democrats more than the
Republicans is the fact that the Democrats had so successfully
demagogued the Republicans with untrue accusations.
Having said my piece, in answer to the question of whether SS
and Medicare "reform" should be lumped together, I think they
should be kept separate but the effect of one upon the other
must be kept in mind. Otherwise, we might find that one is
"saved" while the other is destroyed by the very steps taken to
save the fitst.