social security reform
- Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 21:34:55 -0400 (EDT)
- From: jeff anderson <>
- Subject: social security reform
I am 30 years old and I can't believe I have to fight with my very
own gov't for the right to control my money. The more informed I
become about S.S. the angrier I get. To think that the previous
generation caved and left billions (trillions??) on the table is
unconcievable. Thank god for the Roth IRA- at least I have some
comfort in knowing my funds will actually be there for me when I
decide to retire-Every quarter, I recieve statements from my 401k
and IRA providers listing simply my contributions and YTD- leave
it to a gov't organization to take the money without asking and
provide no statement of financial responsibility-The greatest
indignity would to have to collect an allowance from the federal
gov't when I am 75-