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#1  What is the most important value that you and your family hold
about Social Security?

It may have been a good idea when FDR suggested it and put it in
place, but it didn't quite work out the way he planned. He called
it a three-legged stool - SS, pensions and savings. What happened?

Bureaucrats and government lifers decided they knew what was best
for all Americans. As usual, they were wrong. They decided they
knew how to spend and allocate our money better than we did. Now,
we pay more and get less - and, we can expect to get less as time
goes on.

As I stated earlier, we will have to continue SS until the transition
period is over but it does not have to continue as it is today. I
believe in the VALUE that all Americans can decide what is best
for themselves.

#2  What are the values that you most want your elected officials
to protect as they consider making changes in the Social Security

I want them to respect my ability to make my own decisions. I want
them to respect the VALUE of my money. It is not theirs to do as
they please. Why is it most politicians believe they know what is
best for us?

I disagree with the position of ADSS in their printed material
called "Making Sense of Social Security". In this piece, the ADSS
basically states that SS is indispensible. It goes on to state that
individual savings isn't the answer. All of this is based on
historical info that is skewed because of what Americans have been
led to believe SS is. It is not what the government says it is.

If people know the facts and are given viable options, they will
make changes. But we can not let the government be in control of
whatever comes next. They have not shown that they know how to
manage my money.

They need to start VALUEING our money and our opinions.

Richard Arnold

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