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Foxes already in the henhouse!

  • Archived: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:50:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 12:47:09 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Jay Oliver <>
  • Subject: Foxes already in the henhouse!
  • X-topic: Choice 1

During yesterday's Senate debate on McCain/Feingold, some revealing exchanges occurred. A certain moderate Senator introduced an amendment with the intriguing idea of making campaign donations illegal DURING THE TIME THAT THE HOUSE OR SENATE WAS IN SESSION!

(***NOTE: in the interests of avoiding partisanship, no specific names or parties will be given***)

Almost without exception, his fellow Senators, of both parties, had questions and comments along these lines (paraphrased, but honestly attempting to capture the spirit):

*Does this mean that we can solicit donations, but we can't collect the money during session?

*Can we hold fundraisers while we're in session, and wait until leter to accept the actual checks?

*If we don't get involved personally, can our people solicit and collect donations?

*We might be forced to have shorter sessions!

*Etc., ad nauseum

In summary, the reform "henhouse" hasn't even been built yet, and already the "foxes" are looking for potential loopholes to exploit! Does anyone believe that the current politicians, regardless of the good intentions on the part of some, can be trusted to do any better than did their predecessors 25 years ago, who created the very mess that we're in today?

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