RE: parting comments....women and minority roundtable
- Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:33:20 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Ruth Reilly <>
- Subject: RE: parting comments....women and minority roundtable
Thank you and all the panelists for the most enlightening and
enthusiastic set of discussions I have had since 1960.
You ask, "We Americans are good at democracy, and this
kind of discussion is democracy at its best. We state our cases well, and
we listen. And how we react, as this small group, probably offers a fair
view of how other Americans react. So I ask my final question as moderator
and as someone interested in the process of public decision making: Did
anything you read from your fellow participants help you change your mind,
even a bit, on any of the issues?"
Yes it did. I read so many ill-thought-out, unsound seeming
proposals to change the present Social Security system that
although I started with a fuzzy feeling investing funds made a
lot of good financial sense, I now feel privatization is far too
fraught with pitfalls. I now believe strongly that what I want
are minimal changes to the system to save it for future
generations much as it is now.
Ruth Reilly