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Dora Noble

Should our Social Security Benefits take on the facade of equality based on need--a lot of white males and widowed bridge players are going to go into arrest. For starters women who work, do not have years or dollars needed to equate equal benefits. Unless a factor of adjustment is added in, there is nothing equal about this system. Forget stock market investments until you first create a new Mc2. Presently there is no women in this country, for one reason or another, who has equal status as a male. My interest lies mainly, but not exclusively, with disabilities. Almost any man with a disblity will live on more than a women with the same handicap--Medical costs are the same, living expenses the same, and so on. Should she be single, her children pay FICA providing these lopsided funds. In my particular circumstance, my children's father held a high paying job, is an alcoholic, was abusive, and paid support--but never spent a moment in time with his children, now he is on early retirement with a big pension and a 401K. His children have worked since the age of 16, paid for their own educations, and now pay for what he consumes. On the other hand, I as a single mother, held lower paying jobs--with no opportunities, some jobs with no pensions offered, paid for my own education, and became disabled. My employer, a municiple government, denied me other employment forcing me into Social Security Disability, withheld a disability pension, now want me to resign after 8 years so that they don't have to pay me a retirement pension. The solicitor (lawyer) wants to go to court, so he will get 1/3 of what belongs to me. I already had to give 1/3 to an attorney in order to recieve the Social Security ben. if the first place. When you talk about equality--show me the money--there is no justice in this system what so ever. Call it what ever you chose saying what it is supposed to be, but first go back to square one and start with reality this system is based on the "greedy vs the needy".

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