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RE: Study Results, Charlie's response


Thank you for responding (what happened to J.P.?). I remember when I was your age. It was 1987 and public use of the Internet was virtually non-existent. I had to type my opinions on an Apple //c with only 128K and post mail them, yet, I found that I learned a great deal and discovered many things. I encourage you to continue exploring. Don't consume others' propaganda. Question everything, especially that which grasps you by the heart. You have tools that none your age have had before, use them well.

Charlie Hoyt wrote:

>>As one of the supposed "left-wingers," I will respond:<<<

I apologize for throwing out a label without defining it. The way I see it, people who believe in collectivization are on the left. Leftists such as 'socialists' who believe in the supremacy of the work of the public as a whole above the supremacy of the individual. Leftists like 'fascists' who believe in the supremacy of the state above the supremacy of the individual. In the center, separated by a thin sheet of paper, are the Democrats and the Republicans. Further to the right are the Libertarians, almost there. On the right are individuals, those who know that individuals are to be free to choose their own destiny and welcome the responsibility that goes with that freedom. The latter are often referred to as . . . Americans.

>>Yes, my opinion is that instead of destroying Social Security, it must be
expanded. . . more taxes on the rich and corporations, and by decreased defense spending.<<<

Great! By doing that you will destroy the incentive to seek profit. The profit motive has built this nation. You will decrease corporate reserves (I assume you include smaller S-Corps in that term) in turn that will decrease solvency, wages will decline, bankruptcy will increase and jobs (for those workers you champion) will deteriorate. And to top it off, we will be vulnerable to invasion because of our decreased defense budget. That will allow foreign Communists, Socialist and Fascists a chance to finish us off. I certainly hope that is not what you advocate.

>>>My opinion is that the payroll tax earnings cap, must be raised so
that that those making millions from laying off and exploiting
working people pay their fair share into the Social Security System.<<<

Laying off and exploiting working people to make millions. Hmm, let me see. How is that possible? What fool has attempted this silly idea? One cannot make millions by laying off employees and exploiting people. Bill Gates made his billions by providing products that people use to make their own lives better and in the process he has made thousands of people into millionaires. Mr. Gates is one of the most successful Capitalists in history. Check your premise.

>>>I believe that Social Security funds must be administered
by a publicly elected government and not by millionaire investment
bankers who will use them to their own advantage.<<<

You are correct that investment bankers will use the money to their own advantage. As well they should, you see if they maximize their investment, which also consists of the capital invested by their clients, then a great deal of money will be made for all. If this were allowed to occur without government interference then there would be no need for Social Security. Self-interest is the human instinct that facilitates the profit motive. The profit motive builds wealth for all participants. What incentive does a government financial manager have to be efficient and generate a profit? None, s/he can always ask for a bigger budget through taxation.

Capitalism works, all you have to do is leave it alone.

Marwan Jabbour
An American who works for a living.

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