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Why Reform Now?

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Final Thoughts on "Why Reform Now?"

I did not become involved in the Social Security debate because things are going "swell." Despite propaganda about how well our economy has been doing, most people my age that I know (late baby boomers) are struggling now. And most have no practical source of retirement income other than the money they now pay into Social Security.

I did not become involved in the debate because I am greedy. I don't think I am.

I became involved because I have personally experienced the despair and helplessness of having to support an unjust and unfair system that has prevented me from providing for my own family and from preparing for my own retirement.

Social Security is an insidious evil disguised in the form of good intentions. Social Security is a destroyer of dreams.

It may seem that those who push for privatization are "greedy capitalists pigs," but I would suggest that perhaps they simply represent the canaries in the mine. Budding entrepreneurs are first to see the ill-effects of our high payroll taxes. (They actually see that they pay the full freight of employer/employee shares.) But the rest of us are all breathing the same foul air, and given time, will all be suffering from the consequences.

Walter Hart

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