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RE: Continuing the Dialogue

First, let me say it has been an honor to participate in this forum over the
last two weeks.  I wish Americans Discuss Social Security and Information
Renaissance the best of luck with these online discussions in the future.

Citizens play the most important role in keeping the focus on the need for
Social Security reform.  The fact that the Social Security program is facing
long-term financial challenges must be communicated to all.  The
consequences of inaction must be made clear.  The potential options must be
debated in an honest and straightforward manner.  These realities are best
conveyed at the grassroots level.  The American people are extremely smart
and practical.  Once the discussion begins in earnest, I am hopeful that a
common-sense, consensus reform measure will emerge.

Lastly, concerned citizens must continue to convey the importance of Social
Security to their elected officials.  Those who address the issue in an
honest manner should be rewarded.  Those who use the issue to scare seniors
and score political points should not profit from this counterproductive
activity.  In summary, the American people must remain engaged and involved
in the process.  Only then will meaningful reform be enacted.   

Rep. Kenny Hulshof

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