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Kudo's to Rep. Archer

It is encouraging to see Reps. Archer, Becerra, Hulshof and Thurman
willing to discuss this issue in a bipartisan setting. I have heard that these Members
frequently participate in forums across their districts (even when they
disagree with the sponsoring forum's point of view). That's LEADERSHIP.

I hope that more leaders in both parties, including President Clinton
& Vice-President Gore, can manage a "pledge"
of some sort that holds them to a promise not to DISTORT a persons
point of view on this issue. Most of us are tired of an important
issue being a "3rd Rail" of politics...."touch it, and you die".

It seems that there are quite a number of strong proposals to reform Social Security.
Unfortunately, both Democrats and Republicans are wary that this issue
will be used against them in the 2000 elections.

I suggest that people interested in learning more on this issue should
contact one of the many grassroots organizations dedicated to Social
Security reform (i.e. AARP, Concord Coalition, National Committee to Preserve
Social Security and Medicare, Economic Security 2000, 3rd Millenium, etc.).

These groups have diverse, opposing and interesting opinions on the subject. In addition,
they tend to talk in "laymen's terms, rather than policy "wonkish" terms.

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