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RE: Will Congress answer the public's call for action?

In his State of the Union last year, the President kicked-off the "Great Social Security Debate," a year-long bipartisan dialogue which consisted of a series of town hall meetings across the country designed to encourage debate and discussion. The President went even further this past winter in unveiling his framework to save Social Security. While the President has made a good faith effort to put a proposal on the table Congress has yet to act.

We all can agree that something must be done to strengthen Social Security. However, for reform to occur we must begin to debate specific proposals. In discussing each proposal we must shed party distinctions and focus on how to provide a safe and secure retirement for all Americans. In short, reform will occur only if Congress makes a conscious decision to abandon empty rhetoric and instead debate this issue on its merits. As a member of the Ways & Means Committee, it is my sincere hope that we can begin to discuss specific proposals and thus come closer to instituting real reform.

Rep. Xavier Becerra

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