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RE: Will Congress answer the public's call for action?

<< ...that I will continue to work hard to craft a bill that will
garner support across party lines.  However, Republicans will not
attempt to pass a bill on their own--this would be
political suicide. >>

"Political suicide" means if we (Republicans) do something that
gets bad reviews we might not get reelected.  Therefore, we'll do
nothing, then blame the Democrats.

The Democrats, also eager to avoid "political suicide," will do
equally little, and blame it on the Republican majority.

At least thirty years of posturing before a gullible American
electorate has allowed our elected officials to become really
extraordinary mimics of useful public servants, without actually
having to do any of the work.  Remember:  Not being blamed gets
one re-elected much more readily than pointing to one's as-yet-
unsuccessful efforts at conclusive action.

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