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RE: Will Congress answer the public's call for action?

I think I have made it clear that from a policy perspective, the sooner
Congress and the President act to address the long-term financial problems
facing Social Security, the better.

Carolyn has asked if it is possible for Congress to meet the public's desire
for bipartisan Social Security reform.  The answer to this question is yes.
However, to succeed, this process must be truly bipartisan in nature.  All
involved, including the President, must move beyond colorful slogans and
soundbites and provide real leadership on the issue.  Members of both
parties who have come forward with reform proposals should be commended for
their contribution to the debate.  Any attempt by either party to use Social
Security for political gain, as has been the case in the past, will doom the
process to failure.   

Rep. Kenny Hulshof

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