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RE: Social Security Works

I for one am in favor of making Social Security a voluntary program. Since so many people were forced into Social Security against their will, I know that we can not simply get rid of it, but younger people such as myself would live a much better life in retirement if I were allowed to invest *my* money for *my* retirement in the way that is best for *me*.

You mention how social security helps protect many from poverty, how? I've seen my estimated retirement benefits from Social Security and they are in the $12,000/year range. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that figure is below the poverty line. So if I take that money you confiscate from me every paycheck and put that in a CD earning 5% interest, at $4,500/yr, I would have $485,345.19 in 30 years when I reach 65. Now if I draw the same amount of money each year that Social Security would be paying, I'd have over 40 years worth of retirement money of my own. In addition to that, when I pass away, I would have something to give to the next generation. Do I have that with Social Security? Of course not.

You say that Social Security works, The only people I see that it works for is the federal government. Case in point, my retirement money along with everyone else in the country was just raided to fund this unprovoked attack on the sovereign nation of Yugoslavia. The government has proven time and time again, that it is not responsible enough to manage money. The only thing Social Security does is force dependence on the government for a meager existance at best.

Nowhere in the US Consitution is the federal goverment granted the power to run a retirement program and force people into it. Therefor it violates the 10th amendment and is unconsititional. Please stop this forced dependence on the government and allow us to enjoy and save for retirement, free of government interference!

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