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Socialized Societies

This is in reply to Lisa's comments about socialized countries
where the government takes care of everyone.

If you think it works, take a trip to any major city sitting south
of our border with Canada. They have a socialized medical system.
The hospitals in these U.S. cities are overwhelmed with Canadian
citizens because they are medical refugees. The average wait for
a MRI in Canada is 13 months, for example.

When we socialize America's medical system, where will we go for
decent medical care? Europe?

Lisa, it doesn't work. America is a capitalist society and it should
stay that way. The problems we are experinecing now are a direct
result of tampering with that system and trying to incorporate too
many socialistic concepts.

When individuals give up control, let someone else be responsible;
bad things happen.

As Will Rogers said, "I'm sure glad I don't get all the government
I pay for."

Richard Arnold

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