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Opting Out?

What is this talk of allowing people to opt out of social security? I talked to someone at the SSA just a few days ago and she told me that there is no law requiring me to have a social security number. Social security seems to be completely voluntary. Maybe I've been misinformed. I did receive the information from a government agency.

As a member of Gen X, I truly believe that I will never see a dime of the money I "contribute" to social security. I feel no obligation to support an older generation which did not make the effort to eliminate this "Ponzi" scheme. As the Boomer's did with their draft cards, so should my generation burn their social security cards.

What happens if I can not save enough money, without government "aid", to live comfortably in the latter days of my life? Well, assumming the War on Drugs is still being fought, I should be able to buy, in any city in the U.S., enough heroin to end my life quickly and painlessly.

The music from "Deliverance" is playing. My grandmother is holding the banjo.

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