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RE: A "retiree's" perspective

I loved this one!

>>>> M. Rohrs wrote:
bunch of stuff about our tax laws!

Well, simplify, simplify, simplify!  If we continue on the path we
have been, the tax code will continue to grow and become so complex
that not event the lawmakers in this forum will be able to understand
it.  I'm sure many don't due to the fact that accountants and
lawyers that complete returns for individuals interpret it differnetly.
So, this is another colossal problem that needs to be reformed,
perhaps flat tax, perhaps sales tax, but the current tax code is
out of hand and needs to be brought under control.

>>>> M. Rohrs wrote:
Lastly, I'm fully aware that, under the present system, Baby Boomers
and GenXer's will experience even a greater negative return on
their contributions and that any solution must address this and
try to minimize it. However, don't penalize current (or near future)
beneficiaries because of it -- we didn't cause or exacerbate it
and we have no way to compensate for any reductions in benefits.
At least the younger generations have some time ahead of them to
compensate for possible reductions in benefits, and they have
several tax advantaged means to help them build up a retirement

Not to start a generational war of words, but older americans should
realize that their lack of action or lack of attention in the past
is got us to where we are today.  They made contracts by themselves
that have made us, the younger generations, liable.  They swallowed
their politicians self-serving benefits hook-line-and-sinker, and
they kept on asking for more.  Well, at some point the scheme is
got to give.  Full privatization's popularity among younger workers
is a sign that we understand the foolishness of SS and its long
term impossibility.  A Ponzi scheme no matter how embellished will
always hurt the people at the bottom.  And, ladies and gentlemen,
we have reached the bottom!

So, by recognizing the need to continue benefits to current
beneficiaries, regardless of their foolishness, and asking to be
taken out of the Ponzi scheme, current workers are taking a stance
against those self-serving attitudes of past politicians, making
a contract that we will help support those who, before us, got us
in the hole, and taking the responsible action of stopping the
accumulation of unfunded liabilities so our children, who have no
vote in this matter, are protected from higher payroll and income
taxes, higher debt, and the harsh realities of those in the economy.
Like someone famous once said: "The buck stops here!"

>>>> M. Rohrs wrote:
At the risk of opening up a can of worms, the basic problem (the
reduction in the ratio of workers to retirees) is due to a declining
birth rate and reflects deliberate decisions made by younger
generations either to not have children at all or to limit the
number to one. Families used to include 3, 4, 5, or even more
children. Now, there are many who have chosen careers or life's
luxuries instead of any children at all or even marriage. Those
were conscious decisions made by the very generations that will be
affected by that reduction in ratio and the chickens are coming
home to roost. They will have far reaching effects for generations
to come.

You, indeed, opened a can of worms.  It is my personal freedom and
choice to have as many or as little children as I so desire, to
have a career and as many luxiries as that career can afford me.
And, there was a conscious decision made by the generations before
ours to rely on self-serving politicians their retirement, so now
I guess they have to accept the result of their foolishness and
provide a more mature response to this issue.  In short, hey it
wasn't my fault that you decided to trust the politicians back in
the 70s and 80s; I was born in 1970 and was finishing elementary
school by 1980; so, how could your decision be my responsibility.

The Reps. in this forum can come up with their fancy wording for
more of the same, but the reality is that continuing with the
current system unchanged does nothing to marry hard work and reward,
increase individual responsibility, and provide freedom and security
away from government dependence for all workers, rich and poor.
Under these proposals, little or no wealth is accumulated by the
workers, and their heirs still get next to nothing for a life of
hard work and dedication to the economy.

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