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Stealing from your kids

     Two major moral flaws exist in the social security system as is.
One, as the thread title indicates, is that we are stealing 
from our children.  When we take out more than we put in, since
we are getting no interest on our 'investment,' we are saddling 
our children with an incredible debt burden.  Many people will
claim that they "want theirs", as they are allowed to.  Stand 
over your child or grandchild's bassinet and tell them that it
is more important for the system to continue into perpetuity
than for them to have a sound financial structure and future.
      Was it fun?  I can't do that.  I should save for my 
retirement, not use the force of government to take their future
earnings for me.  It is immoral.
       The other moral problem is that, when people are 
indoctrinated to believe government will take care of them in their
old age, they are far less inclined to save for themselves.  The 
only way to get some children to try to save for their future is
to tell them, "If you don't learn to save money for retirement
at an early age, you may not be able to keep your accustomed style
of living later in life."  This is a deep concept for a six year
old.  But if you hold off on the message until they're thirty,
they may have developed Congress-style bad-spending habits.  Then
it may be too late.  And when you neglect to tell that tough 
message to two entire generations of a country, frugality may be 
lost forever.
       Which is more immoral, to steal from your offspring, or
neglect to teach them the importance of thrift?  I'm not sure which 
is worse.  I won't claim either trait for myself.  But then, I 
believe people should be fiscally self-reliant as much as 
possible, responsible for their own actions, and able to fully
benefit from positive lifestyle choices... in other words,


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