Subject: RE: The Concept of Eliminating SS Entirely
Lest some get the wrong idea, I am NOT in favor of Government control of our lives. I firmly believe that the less control the Government has over us, the better. However, I believe that compulsory saving toward retirement is a MUST. I personally know some who, given the choice, will spend on "necessities" rather than save toward retirement. Having to give up on a few so-called necessities when working, while being extremely painful, is not nearly as painful when one is not working and not generating an income. Those individuals would surely end up being destitute and a burden upon society -- being dependent upon and (therefore) being controlled by the Government. We have no choice in this area -- we either have compulsory saving (control) now under edict of the Government or we have Governmental control later of those who will not save voluntarily. We cannot allow individuals the choice of whether or not to contribute to at least a BASIC retirement plan (which they could control in much the same manner as one controls his/her 401-K). On all other personal matters, I believe that the Government should "leave us alone".