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RE: Hay Day for Social Security

Capitalism is the only economic system compatible with a nation employing a democratically elected republican government. Communism, Socialism and "mixed-economic" variations do not suport the ideals of a "free" society.

To say that you speak for "the people" is rather improper, everyone has a right to make their own choice. Our right to choose is a cornerstone principal of this great country. Adopting a system that is less than pure Capitalism, limits that right to choose. If I choose to spend all of my money, I should have a right to do that. If you choose to save all of yours, that is your right. You cannot be obligated to help me because I have squandered my wealth. Essentially, that is what Social Security does. That is wrong.

You stated, "We, the People, embrace capitalism
only to the extent necessary to create social justice. . ." Embracing Capitalism "to an extent" is no embrace at all. Anytime that a positive interacts with a negative, the positive has nothing to gain and everything to loose. By combining Capitalism with a lesser economic idealogy you serve only to compromise Capitalism. This nation is easing into disaster, the moment we began to employ socialist methods we compromised our Capitalist integrity. Social Security is a prime example of this compromise, it will only get worse.

To address your comment about "creating social justice", that occurs when our government, governs as little as possible. In other words, it is to protect us and our property from the use of brute or coercive force; the rest is up to each and everyone of us, individually.

I think you might be surprised how just the American people are if you allowed them to excercise their own individual actions. We don't need the government to be our collective mother in order for us to do the right thing.

Social Security is designed to ensure against the absence of income. If we begin to employ your mode of thinking, then we must be fair: how are you going to guarantee the success of an entrepreneurial venture so that the capital investment, ROI and employee/partner wages are not lost? Simple, let the governemnt run the business. Sound far fetched? Not really. If we employ your thinking, our search for social justice will eventually lead to complete control of the economy by 'we the people' in the form of our government. Wouldn't it be better if 'we the people' owned our economy through private ownership, free market trading, and individual capital investment?

Simply put, the values that created Social Security are detrimental to the progress of this nation. Capitalism is the only moral economic system.

Thank you,

Marwan Jabbour

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