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RE: Social Reform as National Priority

Thank you Mr. William Burrows. Thank You so much for your wonderful comments.

You beat me to the punch in replying to the Socialistic comments made by Mr. Frank L. Green.

It is comments like those made by Mr. Green that scare the hell out of me. What has happened to the free and liberty thinking American? Why would/can any American get that far off track?

Last time I looked, we are a capitalistic country that is made up of about 75-80% of small businesses, not huge corporations. Small business is what makes this country run; not large corporations as Mr. Green suggests.

Another point, if government lifers and politicians would quit trying to write laws that continuly intervene into business affairs, then there would be no reason for business to ask for favors. If government would get out of individual's and business' lives, then there would be no reason for politicians to be connected to business.

And talk about monopolies. I would say that the government now has a monopoly on the SS front. In fact, it's worse than a monopoly - it's outright theft and robbery - backed by the threat of force and guns (see IRS history).

You know, once upon a time, our government lifers decided we didn't need to enjoy alcohol drinks any more. They decided to ban it. Well, that great idea didn't work.

Catch the clue bus folks. Government should not be in the business of redistribution of wealth. That is what SS has become. I'm all for taking care of the poor and the elderly and the disabled; it can be done without the present system. It doesn't take a regressive tax to do it.

I'm also for taking home my money and doing with it what I please - I have that right guaranteed in the Constitution of the United States of America. Government politicians continue to rape the Constitution and it must stop. When it does, we will make progress. Until then, we will continue on a gradual slide to doom.

Business is what has made this country what it is - you do not see any other country as successful as ours. Blaming business for our problems is ridiculous and untrue.

In fact, if we had a complete laissez faire society, we would have much less problems than we do now. It is what our founding fathers wanted and somewhere we got off track. Now is the time to make the correction and we can start with a complete overhaul of SS.

"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, ............. a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

I hope all of you know where the above statement comes from. If not, do some homework.

Richard Arnold

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