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RE: It's all about MONEY

I believe it is more about the values of freedom, security, and
fairness for workers than about MONEY.  Social Security does not
provide any of these, only a smokescreen.
Under a private system workers will have the freedom to keep
what they earn and invest it or SAVE it any way they feel confortable
with, not spent by politicians on programs that get them re-elected.
Under a private system workers will have the security of knowing
that they own a piece of the economy, that it is not up to politicians
to dictate what in the end they are going to get, that in old age
they will not have to beg to get scraps.
Under a private system workers will be treated fairly because they
will be rewarded by their hard work and long years of contribution
to the economy.
Sure, some people may lose, but that's why a private system that
offers a safety net is what we propose.  The government provides
this safety net from the general fund to workers that are not able
to accumulate enough to get an annuity that pays their retirement
income.  With this design, workers know what they have, what they
don't have, hard work is rewarded, and the unfortunate is protected.
All of this, without the regressiveness of the payroll tax, and the
hidden power that it gives to politicians.

>>>>>>>>>William D. Grazier wrote:
> Since the "Value" of Social Security has been repeatedly questioned
> by those who would Eliminate and/or Privatize, we must question
> their logic and reasoning, which is, "I got mine now get out of my
> hair" or " It's a Ponzi scheme by perpetuated by big government".
> This thinking is neither logic nor reason.  Remember the learned
> lesson extolled by the Securities and Exchange Commission, " Don't
> bet the grocery money!"

They are right about one thing, "It's all about MONEY, who has it
and who don't".  Most people are doing their very best to take care
of their families but illness, accident, loss of a job, low income
all take their toll.  WE, THE PEOPLE must commit ourselves to
helping through the public effort of Social Security.

There is plenty of money in the GDP (not SEC) to afford and provide
a "Living Income" on a "Pay as you Go" system that we are currently
managing.  More later on this...

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