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I believe that Social Security needs to be revamped.  As others have
eluded to, it is difficult to discuss SS as it stands because it has
evolved into much more than it was originally intended to be used for.

I accept that people are living longer, but does that mean that we can
work longer?  Protection by the law, does not mean that there is no age
related harassment.  It's there. An aging society is hard on all
parties, and we should not make elders feel as if we don't
need/appreciate them anymore!  WE DO!

We need to understand that this [working longer] is not for everyone,
and that a new system needs to be in place that can be based upon
individual needs.

I believe that people should be required to save for retirement, but on
an individual basis.  Privatize? There are pluses and minuses, but it
should be better than present!

I believe that I should be able to keep as much of my income as
possible, while maintaining a fund for my retirement, and a social fund
to help those that are in need.  Is this SS?  I don't know.

A last perception.  Has anyone really looked at just how many times
people give [donate] money to various social organizations that are
already being paid for with tax dollars?  Has anyone looked at all the
grant money available from tax dollars and the dipsee-doodle going on
there?  I mean, when we stop to think just how many people are employed
by all the fabricated social/governmental institutions, and understand
where money really goes, I think any sane person would say, "STOP THE
SHOW!" Social Security seems to be another one of the shows.  Let's
start again, with an updated focus, not leaving those in retirement in
the cold.

Mark DeSalvo

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