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Forecasting by the Government

So we have a surplus now. Good reason for Clinton and his lawyers
and regulators to try to find ways to spend it. And find ways they
did. Thirty-one to be exact according to Clinton's State of the
Union address back in January. No matter that no one has ever been
able to forecast the coming year's budget surpluses or deficits
with any degree of accuracy - let alone the deficits or surpluses
for the next 25 years. Let's party!

Let's give everyone, everything they want. We've got plenty of
money so let's just take care of everyone.

People - don't be fooled again. Bureaucratically-managed rationing
systems must be brought under control. This includes the Social
Security system.

You can not "save" SS. It must be replaced with a better program.
A program that puts the control back into the hands of each and
every American. If you think that today's politicians and government
lifers can manage your money better than you can, then you will
get what you deserve. You will get a SS system that will still be
broke when your children reach retirement age; if not before.

Take control. Take responsibility for your life and happiness.
Don't allow or depend on government bureaucrats to make decisions
for you. If you don't let them know that you want control of your
life and money, they will continue to control as they have in the
past - their track record speaks for itself.

Richard Arnold

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