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SS and our government

I have read your response and I agree to a point. In 1994 and 1995 in
the Social Security Trust Fund that was operated by Social Security had
in trust for the American People the sum of $636,000,0000.00. We had a
committee by the name of Senate Budget Resolution Committee, one of the
members, by the name of Senator Domenici, out of New Mexico took that
surplus of $636,000,000.00 in the pretense of Unified Balanced Budget
and repaying Social Security back, since supposedly it was just a loan.

If my memory is correct "Who else is the Government Social Security
Office going to lend it to but another government agency." These are the
words that were said in that meeting that was televised.

Instead over the years, this very government, instead of paying back
Social Security Trust Fund, has given tax credits to the Corporations
(as pay-offs for votes), to the high 5 figure upto 6 figure tax payers,
and higher (who have tax consultants who find every loop hole to drop
all excess money into so they don't pay taxes on it).

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