RE: Investing in Stocks
- Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 18:36:30 -0400 (EDT)
- From: Javier Jimenez <>
- Subject: RE: Investing in Stocks
>>>>> M. Rohrs wrote:
This isn't a discussion, it is an attempt by some to blame current
retirees for the sins of the CONGRESS and to lump all retirees in
together as though they are the ones who are causing your problems
and that they are, therefore, the ones who should be penalized
"your problems" seems to me that the older americans regard the
financing of SS as the problem of the younger generation. After
all, it was their problem at some point, and they chose to ignore
it and make it worse. Even though, this illegal contract was made
by them making us liable, we, GenXer weren't around in the 50s and
60s to object, on the privatization side have accepted the
responsibility put on us, by them, and have proposed that no change
in their benefits be made as part of the reform. In response, an
assault on our solution to the problem is made with dishonest
attacks. We, unlike those before us, are acting responsibly to
solve the problem, fully fund the system, pay the unfunded liabilities,
and provide a brighter future for our children free from debt and
high regressive taxation, in return we get vicious attacks from
those that are informed only by the scare tactics of those clinging
to the power ss control provides to them.