Hi folks,
What an amazing beginning to this dialogue! I work in two domains that attract me to this process...as editor of MultiMedia Schools magazine, I want to be sure that students and educators are able to do the two things Rebekah suggested: becoming a discerning user and being able to comprehend what comes back! As director of the Online Internet Institute, I want to be sure that educators understand why and how to use environmental education to connect what goes on in their classrooms with the "real life" concerns of their communities. I suppose EPA's data is where all our choices come home to roost, eh?
My perspective has changed recently...for 27 years I lived in New Jersey (superfund sweepstakes winner) and last year moved to Santa Fe...where we really had wished for current, accurate information as we watched Los Alamos burn this summer, and as we wait for 30,000 shipments to WIPP to begin driving past our community on their way to burial at Carlsbad. Getting the information is one thing, knowing what to do with it is another. I'm elated to see librarians again taking the lead in this process, and look forward to learning and growing with you all.