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campaign finance reform

  • Archived: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 14:56:00 -0500 (EST)
  • Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2001 14:01:47 -0500 (EST)
  • From: Vrinda <>
  • Subject: campaign finance reform
  • X-topic: Choice 1

My personal opinion- I think one of democracy's objectives is to provide fair opportunities for everyone- including those who are running for a particular office position. In order to have fair elections, all candidates must have an equal base to build off of. Only the voice of the people that should give a candidate more support (such as party support, etc.). There is no doubt that money is an influence in the outcome of elections- statistics show that. They show repeatedly that the candidate who spends more on their campaign is the winner of the race, with a few exceptions. Therefore, we should not allow a minority with large amounts of money to dominate elections and decide what the outcome is. But in fact, that is what we are allowing right now without any major caps on how much any single person or organization can donate to the party or a candidate. Let us revisit the purpose of elections- to hear what the majority wants and use that in deciding who wins and who does not. If we do not reform campaign finances, then we will be defeating this purpose.

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