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deceased husbands social security

After a marriage of 33 years why am I not entitled to my husbands
social security by remarrying?  What if my present husband had no
job or means of support or was retired and older than me.  I 
still need a means of support and he worked and contributed
thinking his wife would be collecting his social security.  Why
should this money be put into the social security fund.  His part
that he contributed should be returned to his family.  Social 
Security can keep their contribution.  I could have not married
and lived in sin but I chose to do what was pleasing to God and
morality of the nation. At the time I had a high mortgage and
 a small paying job.  This marriage saved me financially.
 Why?  Can I collect my first husbandssocial security when I 
am old enough (62-65) instead of my own? 

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