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Charlie Hoyt and the Labor Party


Although I totally disagree with most of what you state here on this board, I do admire that such a young man has developed opinions about SS reform and government, in general. Most people your age could care less. For this, you are to be commended. But, let's get back to your last post.

I quote:

"Workers in foreign countries know that privatization is just a way to put more money into the hands that already have enough. I know that and I think that you know that too."

America is the most capitalistic country in the world. America is the leader in the world. Why else do we go around fighting everyone else's wars? Why does everyone wish to move hear? Obviously, foreigners like our capitalistic ways - they will do anything to get here and participate. A big part of the reason is because they want to acquire wealth. That's what we do here. That's what capitalism is all about. That's not what you and your Labor Party are about.

And speaking of ".....put more money into the hands that already have enough.", what about our government? They already have enough of our money. They do a very poor job of managing it - even by their own accounts. Why would any American want to give them more - they definitely have enough? Programs upon programs, like SS, that are so mis-managed that any private enterprise would have been out of business in a very short time if they ran their companies like our government runs theirs.

Everyone in this country has the same opportunities from the get go. We do not need to add more redistribution of wealth programs - in fact, we need to get rid of the ones we have.

Business is what makes America run. If you run a business well, you will make money. If you make it, you should get to keep it. You and your Labor Party associates can do the same thing. But, sadly, you'd rather ride someone's coattail and have it given to you in the name and cause of a better society; a socialistic one.

Give it up Charlie or go find you a country to live in that believes the way you do. Most of us like the color of green and we definitely like old, dead president's pictures on paper.

Good luck with your studies. Take more history classes.

Richard Arnold

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