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RE: Impressive Consensus

>>You want to sell stocks!! Hello...those funds are not secured if there is a decline. I do not believe in Socialisium, stocks imply the Government will own private business--bought with tax money!!<<
A decline in the economy also means a rise in tax rates (or higher govt debt) to cover obligations. Investment in equities would be a good thing, BUT ONLY IN PRIVATE ACCOUNTS. I wouldn't trust the government to manage any stocks without politicizing the position and being swayed or bought by lobbyists.

>> 1.) Why are the disabled, receiving Social Security, not allowed to earn equal wages to others on S.S. Benefits?<<
With private accounts, each worker would save a percentage of pay in an account that was their own property (like IRA, 401k, and Keogh plans). Because of private ownership it would also be part of a person's estate and could be passed on to heirs if not used.

>>2.) Why are women who did not work during child bearing years fit into the equations of benefits received? Where are the fathers in this equation?<<
Privately owned retirement accounts would be for each individual and would be built up with the current payroll tax. A portion of that could be used to participate in a disability insurance or similar program.

3.) The same men who denied women equal wages and equal job
opportunities are now sitting in the infamous AARP, AGAIN making
decisions that only benefit them. They receive huuuge pensions, while women are still working to make ends meet.<<
The AARP is politically irresponsible as far as I am concerned.

>>(This Congress and Senate is listening to them like they've got the almighty answers)<<
The Congress and Senate are sometimes also politically irresponsible, too.

>> 4.) Women who never worked a day in their lives receive SSI based on what their husbands earned.<<
We don't all work at the same paying jobs. Some of us don't work at all. The result is different outcomes. But regardless of the size of one's wage, you should be entitled to own the contributions you make to your retirement. Under current system, you do not have any ownership, no entitlement by law, no guarantee that politicians will pay you anything or when.

>> 1.) Take child rearing years off them until their children were ALL 18 years of age.
2.) Reduce their amount equal to the huuge pensions they receive.
3.) Deny them Medicare
4.) Reduce the amount of money social security recipients receive until
they include the disabled in their negotiations.
5.) Do not support the AARP, until women have equal representation.<<
The best thing to do is to privatize the system and make sure you get ownership of every dime you put in.


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