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Why Reform Now?

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Opening remarks

Here we go again!  This constant reassurance that the SS system is
solvent until 2034 (my sources say 2032) when we all know that by
the year 2013, SS will begin running a deficit and there is nothing
in the till to pay for those deficits.  We had an FICA tax increase
in 1983 which our Congress passed for the sole purpose of insuring
long term solvency of SS but guess what, our politicians ran up a
national debt of some 5.7 trillion dollars and by 2013 the debt to
SS will be a few trillion dollars.  So that FICA increase, started
in 1983 was for nothing, smoke, a general tax increase under the
guise of saving SS.  Unless we set aside the SS surplus for the
year 2013, there will be no surplus available and you, our
Congressional members will have to increase taxes to pay for the
shortfall.  My proposal would be to use all future surplus and
invest in index funds until the surplus ends in 2013.  This will
at least insure a surplus without a further tax increase at that
time.  I do not propose that we privatize SS per se but simply set
that which is a surplus aside for supplementing the shortfall in
2013.  Unless we take action right now, there will be nothing but
IOU's to supplement SS.  

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