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Why Reform Now?

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Opening remarks

The following statement needs to be fixed:

> Since Social Security is a pay as you go system, with the payroll
> taxes of current workers financing the benefits of current retirees,
> revenue shortfalls resulting from fewer workers paying the benefits
> of an increasing number of retirees will begin to strain the program.
> By 2034, it is expected that Social Security will not be able to
> meet its obligations to workers who are currently paying into the
> system.

While this is an absolutely true statement of the SS condition, it
misleads participants to think only of "adjustments" such as;
increasing the payroll tax; extending the retirement age; investing
in the stock market; reducing benefits.  Adjustment is what the
"experts" and "politicians" do.  This forum is to inform the experts
and politicians of what the "Participants" (which happens to be
the entire population of this United States, not just retirees)

For example; the decreasing number of workers paying into SS is
due to political action groups, such as congressmen, post office
and others who have opted out of the payroll tax because they have
taxpayer bonded retirement plans with COLA's.  And yet, many are
still thinking that SS is doomed because of the payroll tax
deficiency.  Baloney!

It will only take 6-7% of the GNP to continue our current pay-as-you-go
SS.  Eliminate the payroll tax.  Extend benefits, meeting poverty
guidelines is not a benefit.


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