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Why Reform Now?

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Opening remarks

Let me begin by thanking Americans Discuss Social Security and Information Renaissance for inviting me to participate in this worthwhile discussion on Social Security. I'm Xavier Becerra. I represent the 30th District of California in Congress and also serve on the Ways & Means Committee, the committee that has jurisdiction over the Social Security system.

One of the reasons I am so enthusiastic about this dialogue is that the ensuing conversations over the coming week will afford me an opportunity to hear the thoughts of those who have a direct stake in Social Security, both current and future recipients. From its inception, Social Security has touched the lives of millions of Americans. Any changes to the system must be made in a manner that builds upon the system's successes and does not haphazardly discard components of the program that have worked so well for so many years.

More importantly, the public must be an integral part of the debate on when and how we should reform Social Security. Thus far, every American has been able to rely on the fact that at a certain age they will receive a solid, guaranteed benefit that lasts as long as they live and keeps pace with the rising cost of living. Before we make any changes to this commitment we must engage in constructive debate as how best to proceed.

I look forward to hearing all of your thoughts as we discuss the best course for strengthening a system that has, and continues to protect us and our families from loss of earnings due to retirement, death, or disability.

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