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Options for Reform

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RE: Final questions for the Options for Reform Roundtable

The longer the "war" against Serbia goes on, the less the chances
of passing anything meaningful this year.  I'd say roughly a 2.
If I could pick one thing to do, it would be to use the current
surplus for individual accounts.  This would serve two purposes -
one, it would let individuals start to actually earn money on their
forced contributions, and two, it would get the money out of the
hands of those darned politicians.

> This is the final day for our roundtable. Thanks for all your
> contributions. A couple of last questions: Time is running out this
> year. How do you rank the chances of Social Security legislation
> on a scale of 1 to 10?.. If nothing happens it is 1. If there is
> 75 year solvency plan passed, the answer is 10.  Do you think there
> will be a bi-partisan deal to do add-on accounts, like the USA
> accounts, and leave the tough decisions for a later Congress? If
> you could get a guarantee that Congress would pass, and President
> would sign, just one single option from the potential reform list,
> what would you pick? Use of  62% of budget  surplus? 2% individual
> account carve-out ? raise the taxable wage-base? or any other item
> of your choice.  Remember, you can pick just one thing to do, not
> a whole package. This forces a choice. Good luck.

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