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RE: Social Security Funds Tapped To Pay for Kosovo

>From: Dana Briggs

>>>>Appears to me based upon the following, that the first reform option would be to take control away from the republican and democrat "parties".

>>>>"President Clinton has repeatedly and popularly promised to "save every penny" of the federal budget surplus for Social Security until the program is rescued from its impending bankruptcy."

>>>>"The Republican-led Congress has wholeheartedly concurred, recently passing legislation to stow away 100 percent of surplus Social Security money in a "safety-deposit box," never to be touched again."

Anybody who thinks that 'saving' SS can only take place in a perfect world where we have no natural disasters, no military expenses, etc. needs to join the real world. We don't know what the future will bring, and we can't blame than 'fact' on politicians, democrats, republicans or independants. We have survived much worse in our history. The Kosovo conflict has no real significance in terms of the SS debate. When you look at the Trillions of dollars in future SS (or 'privatized' retirement accounts) benefits, the costs of the Kosovo conflict don't merit consideration as a 'rounding error'.

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