It would appear to me that our poorer, hungry, and, and homeless people are not on social security. Charitable organizations are doing a wonderful job both here and in helping the destitute in foreign lands. And those in other countries are more poor than here. To ask whether or not charitable organizations will fill a social security gap seems wierd. Many of the loudest compainers about lossing their social security benefits seem more concerned about saving every possible penny for their heirs. A privatized system would be ideal, but in our complex society may leave more loopholes than it can solve.
As we approach life expectancies reaching towards ninety years and demand fancier life styles, we should not only plan on working more years, but provide more for our own retirement. Social Security should not be expected to serve as our retirement, but as a base to help the less fortunate survive with dignity during their later years. I do not mean it should only go to the poor, but that all of us who expect to receive social security should demand less of it in meeting our needs.
I apologize for not being an active participant. Your online information was huge compared with my time available for study. I only wish I had had the time to be better informed as to the proper solution.