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Preparing for Retirement

We (late Baby Boomers) can't rely on there being any fix of Social Security that will provide a decent retirement income. Some people who know more than I say that consumer debt levels are so high now that a depression is inevitable (but they won't say exactly when). This is little wonder since younger households are falling behind in terms of real incomes, even with both moms and dads both having to work these days. And yet, all we hear about in the news is how great the economy has been. And it will probably be "great" until after the 2000 elections. All the munitions dropped by the U.S. military in Kosovo will have to be replaced by buying more from U.S. arms manufacturers. That should keep the economy humming until at least after we have a new president.

I'm getting ready for my elder years. I live on an acre of land in the Rio Grande valley. My little girl wanted chickens, so I've been building it for her - and for me too I guess. I'm putting it together pretty well, so I think it will survive as long as I do. My wife and I planted fruit trees when we moved in ten years ago, though I suppose we ought to plant some more. There's a place in the back where I'm waiting for some tartarian honeysuckles to grow up so I can plant berry canes behind them out of the heat. I've built some permanent vegetable garden beds up close to the house on the east side because we get very strong, drying southwest winds in the Spring, and in the Summer the heat takes all of the moisture out of the soil in a heartbeat. We still need an irrigation well. Maybe I can build a small catfish pond or a small pen to raise a cow.

Best wishes,

Walter Hart

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