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As I was saying, I think I've gotten the "values" down which
govern the current social security system:
     -Congress authorized the IRS to collect far more in social 
  security taxes than needed to run the system.
     -Congress authorized the Treasury to hid the fact that
  they were spending far more than the taxes being collected
  (other than SS)could support by raiding the so-called "Trust
     -Congress, in hiding the true nature of their free spending
  ways, decided to mask it by spending ALL the unnecessary monies
  collected for social security.
     -Congress, in a deliberate act of callous disregard for the
  future, is building a yoke of huge proportions, which they are
  placing around the necks of our children and grandchilden in the
  form of Social Security Trust Fund IOUs, or bonds if you prefer
  to buy into the grand scheme.
In my opinion, that about covers the "values" which govern the current
social security system.  That is, $800 billion, and rising, 
of unnecessarily collected Social Security taxes, spent by the 
Treasury, replaced with a huge and mounting national debt item
which will be the legacy Congress is passing on to our children and
grandchildren.  Truely, we would have been better off in the long
run had all that excess cash been buried in the back yard and dug
as needed for Social Security future payments.  At least we (us,
our children and grandchildren) wouldn't be paying twice for the 
excesses hidden by an accounting trick.

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