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Protecting the Values of Social Security

The following comments represent the consensus of 16 seniors in
Michigan who have so far met two times to discuss Social Security
reform.  As current recipients of their SS contributions who have 
experienced the depression years as well as these more affluent 
economic times, they all appreciate the benefits of the dependa-
bility of SS and believe the essence of the program should be 
preserved for their children and grandchildren.

While the group agreed that now is an opportune time to be 
discussing options for change in order to preserve SS after 2034,
they fear that the "politics" of the day will prevent Congress 
from putting aside their partisanship to do what's best for the 
country and its people.  There is much concern regarding the use
of SS funds for other government purposes, whether what has been
borrowed can really be paid back, and how there can really be a 
surplus when the national debt is still so high.  The group hopes
that Congress will take these issues into consideration when 
looking at options for reform.  However, there remains a certain 
level of distrust or cynicism as to our legislators motives.

VALUES (Question #1)  We spent quite a bit of time discussing 
what we value in the Social Security program and what this group 
hopes will be retained in any reform.  Following is the consensus 
of the group:
* Living with dignity because of SS benefits
* Financial security based on SS benefits, pensions and savings
* Security for survivors and the disabled
* Independence - less worry about having to depend on their 
* Safety net for those who for whatever reason have no pension or 
* Durability of the program - free from worry that SS benefits will
  not be there when needed
* Medical Security.  There is at least as much concern for 
  Medicare as for Social Security.

VALUES the group wants their legislators to protect (Question #2)
* Fairness that ALL Americans will contribute to the program and
  fairly participate in any reform.
* Accountability on the part of Congress and safeguards against 
* Use SS funds for SS
* Mandatory participation in any reform proposed.  
* Put partisanship aside while hammering out a solution to future 
  SS problems

Bottom line with this group is they cannot conceive of our 
society without a Social Security program, but are not confident 
that our members of Congress will do anything to reform the 
program until later when circumstances force the issue.

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