You do not consider less than 50% of a work force forced to pay OASI at a low rate and then engulfing 100% of the non government work force (except amish and menenite) and increasing the tax from 2% to 10.3% (OASI tax) constitutes a ponzi scheeem?
Take a look at 5-8-99's postings and see just what the tax rate should have been to pay the OASI benefits of those born 1917 to 1932.
It is by definition a ponzi scheem. The increase in the tax of over 21,000% over 65 years I think is fast enough especialy when you factor in increasing the working pool by 100% over the same time.
I do not own any US Treasury Junk bonds, but I do have a few thousan junk Treasury Notes in cash, The rest is in stocks as it has been for 25 years or more.